I work in a disruptive innovation team at a large tech company and I've noticed that remarkable ideas often get lodged in odd places. It could be a Youtube video with 407 views, something strange my 8 year old niece said, or the work of a Greek philosopher. They're everywhere, but we rarely dare to properly notice and examine them.

In our professional lives we overlook these sorts of ideas because they're outside the conventional boundary of what feels relevant and appropriate to business. Instead we focus our attention inward: how to meet our manager's expectations, how a company slide deck should look, what it takes around here to get promoted. These are valuable insights, but they can also blind us to a wealth of knowledge lying just outside.

Outsights is a collection of ideas from across time and space that have something valuable to offer in our professional lives

Each couple of weeks, I'll share a story highlighting an outsight and how to use it to shake up traditional thinking. Get ready to discover what David and Goliath teaches us about presentations, what AI can learn from psychology and why business leaders should develop talent like football managers.



Ideas from outside conventional sources that have something valuable to offer in our professional lives